


Predlogi učnih načrtov za osnovno šolo srednjo šolo » History » Revision 13

Revision 12 (Andrej Brodnik, 09.05.2013 02:22) → Revision 13/19 (Andrej Brodnik, 09.05.2013 02:22)

h1. Predlogi učnih načrtov za osnovno šolo srednjo šolo 

 * ACM K12 kurikulum: [[]] in nova izdaja [[]] 
 * IOI Syllabus za mednarodne olimpijade iz računalništva in informatike: [[]] 
 * UNESCO IFIP kurikulum: [[]] 
 * Google Computer Science for High School [[]] 

 * A High-School Programme in Software Engineering: [[]] in [[]] 
 * Top 100 Visited Learning Resources in Engineering Education Research Education for K-12 Education: [[;jsessionid=TK0FYRBNZNU3BABAVRSSFEQ?topX=100&discipline=Engineering-Education-Research&statisticsType=download&audience=k12]] 

 * *Velika Britanija* 
 > AQA GCSE Computer Science [[]] 
 > Computing at School Working Group: Computer Science: Curriculum for schools [[]] 

 * *Avstrija:* in Primary Education (grade 1-4) no informatics topic and no informatics curriculum. Even in lower secondary education we have no mandadory informatics education and no curriculum. But many schools develop their own curriculum and offer informatics education in lower secondary schools (grade 5-8). To standardize these developments a so called "digital competences" framework is now developed to define the skills and knowledge at end of grade 8 ([[]]). 
 * *Nemčija:* Educational standards for CS (grade 5 to 10), published by the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (Bildungsstandards Informatik): [[]], podrobnejši standard [[]] 
 > A synopsis about CS education in the 16 German countries: [[]] 
 > Requirements for the high school graduation exams in CS in North Rhine Westphalia: [[]] 
 * *Ontario, Kanada:* Technological Education: Computer and Information Science: [[]] 
 > Here is some information about what is the "technology" education in Grades 1-8 (ages 6-13) [[]]. You will notice that there is absolutely nothing related to informatics, or even computers.    What is especially disturbing to me is page 20, which has the "technology" grid of topics, which seem very "science based" in grades 6,7,8. 
 > For grades 10-12, there is the actual Computer Science curriculum: [[]]. 

 * *Avstralija* "Draft Australian Curriculum: Technologies Foundation to Year 10": (vir: 

 * *Slovenija*: Zavod republike Slovenije za šolstvo: [[]]