
From 16.11.2010 to 15.12.2010


19:04 Eneraptor.vsd
Še Visio projekt sistema, kot ga jaz razumem 1 Aleksander Bešir
18:18 Popravljen SVN
SVN popravljen na lokalni naslov, ki deluje že od vzpostavitve strežnika.
Naslov za dostop od zunaj je: https://lusy...
Gašper Fele-Žorž
18:07 Revision 1: First commit
Gašper Fele-Žorž
18:03 Eneraptor.png
Shema delovanja celotnega sistema, kot si ga jaz predstavljam 1 Aleksander Bešir


10:58 Še nekaj dogovorov pred začetkom
Da nam bo vsem skupaj lažje pri delu, sem v Wiki-ju dodal razdelek [[Contact|Contacts]], kjer naj bi vsi člani vnesli... Aleksander Bešir


21:00 Spletni naslov za razvojni sistem
Glej: Andrej Brodnik


19:26 Četrti član
Dobrodošel Vanč!
Vanč Levstik se je prijavil preko učilnice, tudi na redmine se je že registriral a še ni bil potr...
David Božjak


21:54 Feature #12 (New): Prepare the presentation
Prepare the presentation Aleksander Bešir
21:53 Feature #11 (New): Finalize a working version of the system (live or as a simulation)
Finalize a working version of the system (live or as a simulation) Aleksander Bešir
21:52 Feature #10 (New): Connect external hardware to ARM9
Connect external hardware to ARM9 (sensor and all that fancy stuff) Aleksander Bešir
21:51 Feature #9 (New): Define the GUI and other I/O elements
Define the GUI and other I/O elements Aleksander Bešir
21:48 Feature #8 (Resolved): A working archive and archive managment
A working archive and archive managment Aleksander Bešir
21:46 Feature #7 (New): Implement the applications
by 1.1.2011:
- a working archive and archive managment
- defining the GUI and other I/O elements
- connecting ext...
Aleksander Bešir
21:42 Feature #6 (New): Create function specifications
Create function specifications Aleksander Bešir
21:40 Feature #5 (New): Establish "the logic"
Establish "the logic" Aleksander Bešir
21:39 Feature #4 (New): Succesfully compile and run a test program on ARM9
Succesfully compile and run a test program on ARM9 Aleksander Bešir
21:36 Feature #2 (New): Define and implement basic parts
by 7.12.2010:
- succesfully compile and run a test program on ARM9
- establish "the logic"
- create function spec...
Aleksander Bešir


18:56 picsorlies1_1.jpg
Martin Kamenšek
18:54 Document: Initial Wishlist
- temperature
- air pressure
- light sensor
- querry for hydro-meteorologic...
Martin Kamenšek

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