


Wiki » History » Revision 20

Revision 19 (Andrej Brodnik, 05.05.2013 15:56) → Revision 20/29 (Andrej Brodnik, 05.05.2013 15:57)

h2. Nekaj predlogov učnih načrtov 

 h2. [[Predlogi učnih načrtov za osnovno šolo, srednjo šolo]] 

 h2. [[Predlogi učnih načrtov za univerzo]] 

 h2. [[Učni načrti za učitelje CS / ICT]] 

 h2. [[Čas za ponovni premislek o izobraževanju računalništva in informatike]] 

 * Joint Informatics Europe-ACM Europe Report on Informatics Education in Schools 
 > The Joint Report on Informatics Education in Europe ( 

 h2. Zanimivi naslovi 

 * Računalništvo brez računalnika 
 > CS unplugged [[]] 
 > Vidra- Vsakdanje IDeje RAčunalništva (Janez Demšar) [[]] 
 * Computer Science Teachers Association [[]] 
 * The Royal Society: Shut down or restart? The way forward for computing in UK schools. The Royal Society, januar 2012. [[]] Sicer tudi [[]]. 
 * Koli 2011 Working group on Teaching Computing at School /   Computing Teacher Education [[]] 
 * Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, 5-Volume Set (poglavje o izobraževanju): [[,descCd-tableOfContents.html]] 
 * How are students learning programming in a post-Basic world? [[]] 
 * Report Recommends Ways to Improve K-12 STEM Education. National Academy of Sciences (06/23/11), [[]] 
 * CS Circles @ Waterloo [[]] 
 * KODU - Game Lab (Estonia) [[]] 
 * IFIP 
 > WG 3.1 [[]] 
 * Vania Guerra, Beate Kuhnt, Ivo Blöchliger: Informatics at school - Worldwide [[]]