Human Computer Interaction » History » Version 2
Aleksander Bešir, 14.12.2010 16:59
1 | 1 | Aleksander Bešir | h1. Human Machine Interface |
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3 | {{toc}} |
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5 | h2. 1 Basic concept |
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7 | h3. 1.1 Hardware |
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9 | p. The HMI will will be realised as a website. It will run on an Apache Tomcat http server, which will not run on the same device as Eneraptor's logic. Instead it will run on an independent proxy server. |
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11 | p=. !HMI_website_overall.png! |
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13 | p. The intended server-side html generating aplication is Tomcat's Jasper, making JSP the intended website programming language. |
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15 | h3. 1.2 Functions specifications |
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17 | p. The actual website functions depend on what functions do the _logic_ and _archive and statistics_ modules offer. The website will require some authentication for users to access it. Two permission types are planned - _admin_ and _viewer_. Users with viewer permission will be able to review certain information, but will not be able to execute any commands that would change how the _logic_ and _archive and statistics_ modules work. |
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19 | p. The planned website functions are: |
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21 | p=. !HMI_website_functions.png! |
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23 | _Functions marked with (?) need to be discussed._ |
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25 | h3. 1.3 Development steps |
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27 | # Installing and configuring Apache Tomcat on a computer |
28 | # Building custom framework for the HMI website |
29 | # Using the framework to build and design the website |
30 | # Connecting the website's functions with logic's functions |
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32 | h2. 2 Installing and configuring Apache Tomcat on a computer |
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34 | h3. 2.1 Java and Tomcat setup |
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36 | In this step we need to set up a computer, that we will use as our proxy server, which will run the Eneraptor's HMI web application. During development of the HMI web application, this was used: |
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38 | | _Requirement_ | _Used version_ | |
39 | | Server machine architecture | Virtual x86 | |
40 | | Operating System | Ubuntu Server 10.10 | |
41 | | Java development kit | openJDK-6-jdk | |
42 | | Servlet container and http server | Apache Tomcat 6.0.29 | |
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44 | In order to use Eneraptor's HMI, you will need software mentioned above. If you need some help installing Java and Tomcat, check: |
45 | [[Installing Java and Tomcat]] |
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47 | After the installation, these files need to be configured: |
48 | * conf/tomcat-users.xml |
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50 | h2. 3 Web application architecture (from user's point of view) |
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52 | The HMI web application will look and feel much like well known Cisco Linksys home router's administration web page(attachment:Linksys_admin_page.jpg). The conceptual look of the HMI is: |
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54 | !Eneraptor_GUI.png! |
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56 | The functions and data on the image above are just dummies (for now). The image shows the basic application's levels: |
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58 | | _Level_ | _Level name_ | _Component name_ | _Description_ | |
59 | | 1 | Sections | Section | The top and main menu (eg. Status, Log, Statistics, ...) | |
60 | | 2 | SubSections | SubSection | Every level 1 Section has it's own level 2 menu (eg. level 1 Setup has level 2 Subsections like Basic Setup, Security, ...) | |
61 | | 3 | Topics | Topic | Every level 2 SubSection is divided by different number of Topics (represented by black-boxed text in the left part of the image above) A Topic is a group of SubTopics | |
62 | | 4 | SubTopics | SubTopic | A SubTopic is a group of Tools that are dependent on each other. | |
63 | | 5 | Tools | Tool | Every Tool is either a text fiels, button, input box, radio button, graph, etc. It represents a single control or view object which is highly dependent on othre Tools in the same SubTopic | |
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65 | To get the better feeling how the web application is structured, observe the example image above and the tree structure shown below. The tree structure shows, how a user has to navigate, in order to turn the Logic Unit's power on. |
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67 | !Level_hierarchy.png! |
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69 | 2 | Aleksander Bešir | -To achieve this, an independent open source framework is being currently built. This framework will then be used to create Eneraptor's web application. |
70 | 1 | Aleksander Bešir | |
71 | Why use a framework? |
72 | Once we have a working framework, web application building speeds up rapidly. Patching web application and adding new features become very easy. |
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74 | Why create a new Framework? |
75 | There are really many frameworks, that would be useful for our project, but they are very powerful. We want a really lightweight framework, that will be able of doing, what we need, and nothing else. And since there are many projects, that would need such a framework, we will develop it and license it as open source. |
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77 | 2 | Aleksander Bešir | The framework's conceptual name for the time of it's development is Flat framework.- |
78 | 1 | Aleksander Bešir | |
79 | 2 | Aleksander Bešir | _14. 12. 2010 update: The custom open source framework development has ben dropped. The Eneraptor's HCI is and will be simple enough, that realizing a full framework for it would require relatively too much additional time. Insted, the HMI will implement the same hierarchy described above, not a framework. Creating a custom framework could be a future project._ |
80 | 1 | Aleksander Bešir | |
81 | h2. References |
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83 | # Chopra, Vivek, et al., _Professional Apache Tomcat 6_, Wrox - Wiley, 2007 |
84 | # Basham, Bryan, et al., _Head First Servlets and JSP™_, O’Reilly, 2008 |
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86 | h2. Attachments |